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Five Foods That Are Fun to Eat and Great For Your Skin

Unfortunately, most people equate healthy eating with boring and less-than-delicious foods. The good news is that healthy skin is fueled by foods that are not only delicious but enjoyable to nosh as well.

1. Berries
The value of antioxidants is a popular topic in health circles, and these jewels of summer are full of them. Picking a few baskets when they are fresh during the summer can result in luscious, frozen treats year-round. These frozen berries are great in smoothies combined with low-fat yogurt, another great option for skin health.

2. Sweet Potatoes
Most people only consume sweet potatoes at Thanksgiving. Those desiring healthy skin can break out of the rut by baking a sweet potato, adding a pat of butter and sprinkling with cinnamon. For a savory option, try these brightly-hued vegetables in a stew.

3. Broccoli
One of the most-feared foods by children whose mothers adhered to the ‘clean plate’ rule, broccoli is nevertheless a delicious option for health. Steamed and sprinkled with low-fat cheese or roasted in the oven drizzled with a healthy oil, it is a great accompaniment to any meal.

4. Olive Oil
Quality oils added to food will create supple skin and give a sense of satiety to help avoid overeating. Olive oil and other healthy oils can be used in salad dressings and many dishes for added flavor.

5. Eggs
These protein-packed gems provide iron. A fun way to eat them is to simply use a cookie cutter to make a design in a slice of bread, butter the bread and crack the egg into it. Grill it on both sides for a great breakfast for adults and kids alike.

Eating these foods can not only make one feel like a kid again but also make them look a lot younger, too!

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