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What the color of different vegetables tells you about their nutrients

Walking through the produce section of a grocery store gives you a good idea of the various colors and shades of vegetables that are available. Many vegetables, simply based on color, can be used for the beneficial health qualities the vegetables themselves possess. You can use vegetable color to help guide you in terms of better understanding the nutrients contained in certain groups of vegetables and using color as a guide.

Red vegetables contain Lycopene which has been proven to be beneficial in being instrumental in fighting off cancer. Some of the more common red vegetables include red peppers, beets, red cabbage, radishes and tomatoes.

Vegetables that are of an orange or yellow color are typically grouped together as they tend to have the highest concentrations of carotenoids which is changed into Vitamin A in the body. These are the foods known to fend off cancer, support eye health and support a healthy immune system. Common vegetables in this group include yellow bell peppers, carrots, squash, corn and potatoes.

Green vegetables are known for having antioxidant properties and also being high in Vitamin B. These vegetables help with an assortment of medical issues including eye health, digestive support and immunity building properties. Common green vegetables include leaf lettuce, celery, peas, broccoli, green pepper, spinach and zucchini.

Purple vegetables, though a little more rare, are known for being beneficial in helping to aide in cell regeneration and for the antioxidants they possess. Vegetables in this group include eggplant and purple cabbage; as the majority of purple foods are fruits and not vegetables.

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