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7 scientific ways that Fraxel Laser works

  • Inhibits Melanin Production
  • Inhibits Tyrosinase
  • Inhibits DOPA
  • Reduces Melanin Production
  • Reduces Lipid Peroxidation
  • Increases Cell Turnover
  • Reduces Inflammation

Hyperpigmentation is a term that describes a variety of skin conditions that produce dark patches. This is the result of your body producing an excess of melanin, the natural pigment that gives your skin its color. Patches could be limited to a small part of your body, such as your hands or face, or cover wide areas. In most cases, hyperpigmentation is not life-threatening or contagious. Yet it can be stressful or cause you to feel bad about your appearance.

Hyperpigmentation is common among adults, and there are a variety of causes, including:

  • Sun exposure
  • Reactions to medical conditions, such as Cushing’s disease
  • Rashes
  • Hormonal changes
  • Blue light from screens and electronic devices

The most common type of hyperpigmentation is called melasma. It appears as irregular patches of tan, brown or brown-gray pigmentation, usually on the face. Melasma is more common in women than men because of hormonal changes, and it occurs more often during pregnancy. Other common triggers include sun exposure and medications like oral contraceptives.

Melasma tends to get better with age because of hormone shifts that happen with the natural aging process. In addition, it appears to run in families, which points to a genetic component of this disorder.

Treatment seeks to decrease the production of pigment and remove areas of excess pigmentation that already have appeared. Overall, you should view hyperpigmentation treatment as a marathon, not a sprint. It can take weeks, or months to achieve results.

We recommend doing a package of three treatments. Contact us today!

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